Gentlemen's Club Data
  • Charts, maps, and graphs are only a click away

    Gentlemen's Club Data

    Aggregating location data and analyzing the numbers

  • Adult Entertainment Clubs across the United States
    Click a state or use the interactive map to get the numbers.
  • Charts, maps, and graphs are only a click away

    Gentlemen's Club Data

    Are you looking for a venue to host a bachelorette party? We've got the data for that too.

What we do

We do the work of collecting and organizing location data about Adult Entertainment Clubs. We then present the collected data visually using charts and maps, which allows for interesting insights into the areas and numbers of Adult Entertainment Clubs throughout the United States.

Pie Chart

Cities, States and Metro Areas

What cities, states, and major metro areas have the most clubs? We have the charts that show the answers.

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Tree Map Chart

Clubs for women

Adult Entertainment Clubs for women? We've got a chart that lists the top cities where bachelorettes want to spend their time.
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Vertical Bar Chart

Conservative vs. Liberal

When it comes to Adult Entertainment Clubs, who's got the moral high ground? The Red states or the Blue states?

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What the numbers tell

  • Florida is the State with the most clubs, with 55.
  • Pennsylvania comes in 2nd with 49 clubs.
  • Vermont is the only State that has no clubs.
  • The total number of clubs in the
    United States is approximately 900
  • New York and Boston are the top cities with
    the most clubs for women at 8 and 5, respectively.
  • Surprisingly, the State of Nevada has 35 clubs.
  • The District of Columbia tops the list with 1.56 clubs per capita.

What's in a name

Over the years, this type of club has gone by many names; here are just a few.

View a guide to strip club slang.

Interactive Map

Name City County

Let's Make Something Great.

We strive to provide the most current and accurate data. However, if you believe there needs to be more information, please let us know so we can rectify it.

Conservative vs. Liberal

The traditional color scheme for political representation in the US is blue for liberal-leaning states, red for conservative-leaning states, and purple for swing states. The color distribution should come as no surprise on the maps illustrated below. Florida, a red state, tops the list, boasting 55 clubs, and Pennsylvania, with 48 clubs, a traditionally blue state, takes second place.
Mouse over the maps to see the numbers.

Cities, States and Metro Areas

Using the charts below, we aggregate and present Adult Entertainment location data for cities, states, and metro areas.


happy customers




Awards winning


Photos taken

Clubs for women

You may think that Adult Entertainment clubs are only for men, but many cater specifically to women. Many women want to be included in the fun, whether for a bachelorette party or a night out. The charts below show the top five states and cities with the most clubs for women.

Per Capita

Per capita information provides more granular data than just aggregate information and is simply another way of saying "per person. In the charts below, the unit of measurement is per 1 million.

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